Sunday, December 14, 2008

A workout at home!

In the event that you are not able to make it to one of your workouts this's an "at home" workout to pound out on your own time!

As many rounds as you can in 20 minutes

30 Air Squats
15 Push - ups
20 Walking Lunges
15 Close-grip push up
10 Jump Squats
12 Tricep dips on a coffee table or something

End with:
30 V-ups
50 bicycle abs

Tabata: 4 minutes long
1. Go on all fours on the floor (like in warm-ups)
2. FIRST 2 minutes of intervals: Right straight-leg pulsing
3. LAST 2 minutes of intervals: Left straight-leg pulsing
4. Collapse on floor.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Update and Stuff!

I first want to welcome the newbies on the boot camp block.  The first day was probably a bit overwhelming, I know!  Rest assured, those around you have felt similar in the beginning and it has been such a pleasure to watch the progress!  I am so proud of all of you, no matter what your goals have been.  Many of you have set out to lose weight, and there have been several recruits that are shrinking before my eyes!  It's amazing how some people could not do the warm up without stopping....and now can go all the way.  Excellent job, no matter what your goals are!

There will be some changes up and coming.  It will be a bit of a topsy-turvy month as everyone moves into the new location.  I will try and keep everything as smooth as possible....but if I have to make some last minute updates/changes, I hope everyone understands!  

I will be leasing out a 2100 square foot area starting after the new year.  I also will be adding equipment as we go along in order to keep you from reaching plateaus.  I am looking forward to having different options and more space to work with.  Additionally, I would like to look over food logs for those that have a real problem knowing what to eat.  I can give you options and alternatives to things that you might "think are good for you".  This extra help will be implemented probably starting in February.  

I am looking forward to evolving this coming my goal is to start training CrossFit style for those who choose to go that route.  Go to for more information.  My Level 1 certification will be finished in a few weeks for this.  Be prepared to REALLY be fit if you're up for this challenge!  More information to come!

Here is a bit of inspiration for your this video!  
Keep movin'!