Saturday, November 15, 2008

My opinion. For Free.

I had to laugh the other day when I heard on the radio that some guy was auctioning off his "opinion" on Ebay for 99 cents. That guy is a genius! Who would have thought of such a brilliant idea :)

Well, I'll give you my opinion for free. Ok, maybe it's not free seeing as you paid for your boot camp session, but nevertheless.....

I now think big box chain gyms are a joke. It's so interesting the transformation that has occurred in the last 8 months, as this particular viewpoint changed very drastically. I used to be a member of a well-known gym and now can't think of even stepping foot inside anymore! The truth is, you don't need a lot of fancy, padded equipment doing the work for you. Bottom line, the more functional movements your body does all on its own boosts you to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL of fitness.

It is a type of fitness that allows you to carry heavy loads in the backyard, or lift something with ease in the garage, or not have to ask someone else to do a job for you. These are just small examples of real-life circumstances, but that's just the point. They are real life.

You all are working your butts off at the boot camps....but what you probably didn't know is that you are doing some of the exact same drills as those that cater to Navy Seals, firefighter personnel and the police force. Do you feel tough now??? You should.

I have been slowly implementing this, and you all have amazingly adapted. Each new thing that you do takes a few times to get used to....but it has been great to see everyone get stronger and more confident each time. Take a look at to take a more in-depth look.

Granted you aren't at that caliber (yet), but by golly some of you are one step closer. You can take it to whatever caliber you choose!

So, go ahead.

Men, beat your chests like Tarzan or bounce quarters off your biceps.

Ladies, pick up your kids, toss them over your shoulders and safely dead-lift them into bed.

You deserve it. :)

1 comment:

copmom said...

So, when you do see us adding inverted burpies? (Just so I can stock up on ice pads.) :)