Sunday, March 15, 2009

Super Hero Powers

So, my husband mentioned to me last week that he had to "fight" over getting the heaviest olympic bar and extra weights for our Sumo Deadlift High Pulls with a woman from the 9:30 class. That participant would be Sandy, who is doing some serious ass-whoopin. She hasn't taken any names yet, but she's close!

Ok, so they didn't FIGHT over it :) I thought I'd add some extra drama to the story....but I wanted to point out Sandy's incredible efforts and progress!

Sandy came into the boot camp pretty strong to begin with, but I've noticed in the last couple months that she has become a POWERHOUSE! It is amazing and inspiring to watch her strength.

Sandy also eats extremely well, which is a direct reflection of her fast performance gains and stamina. Food will act like your JET FUEL if you make the right choices!

She readily takes heavier weights, is sweating like a water spout by the end of class and seems to still be smiling after each workout! Way to go!

There are also a number of other participants who have stepped it up several notches, have greatly increased their strength OR have chosen a higher box to jump on. AWESOME!

Here are 5 Tips to Make Serious Strength Gains/Lose Fat/Increase Performance:

1. Use Challenging Weights:
If you don't need to stop within about 45-60 seconds of a weighted exercise, it is TOO easy. When you fatigue out quickly, say within 30-40 seconds, you are creating trauma to your muscles, which demands them to repair new muscle growth.

2. Write It Down:
Make yourself accountable for your food. Plan ahead. Get up 15 minutes earlier to pack healthy snacks, fill a water bottle, bring your own lunch, or get everything ready the night before. Think about what your day holds and plan accordingly.

3. Eat More Veggies:
Veggies are packed with fiber which controls your insulin levels....hence controlling your blood sugar levels. Your blood sugar levels are directly related to successful fat loss and keeping an ideal weight. You are less likely to eat bad foods when you pack your meals with veggies.

4. Increase Your Protein Intake:
Make protein about 40% of your day. Protein releases glucagon which is a mobilization hormone that regulates blood sugar (again, the key to successful fat loss). Protein also increases the thermal effect in your body, speeds recovery, and increases lean muscle mass.

5. Drink Water:
When you are dehydrated or you've filled your day with soda, coffee, energy drinks and other crap, your body will actually "hold onto" water in an attempt to save what you DO have. Water flushes toxins, helps you think clearly, and is necessary for cellular function.

Moral of the Story:

Balancing blood sugar levels is the key to success in fat loss, muscle gain and performance.


Now Go Crush Something.

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