Sunday, January 18, 2009

Chow Time

To build off of the previous post, I thought I'd get really transparent with you all and write up what I typically eat every day. I don't count calories, I eat a lot of fat and protein.

Keep in mind that some things change based on my mood/seasons, but it will give you an overview of what I'm stressing as it pertains to food choices and achieving your goals.

Also, keep in mind that I eat A LOT of calories, so depending on how active you are and how much muscle mass you have on your body....your food intake will be different accordingly.

This is just to illustrate the HUGE point that not only must you NOT starve yourself and go fat-free/low-calorie....but also that the quality of your food either hinders weight loss and muscle gain or promotes it. It also is crucial for recovery and general energy levels.

Let's say it's a typical boot camp day where I have to get up super early:

4:30 am: 2 low-carb tortilla wraps around banana/organic peanut butter, coffee
7:30am: 3 eggs, slices of cheese wrapped in a low-carb tortilla and wrapped, apple
Late morning: handful of almonds, raisins, some organic dark chocolate, maybe a yogurt and ground flax seed, etc.
Lunch: 2 tortillas with kidney beans, sliced red onion, avocado, salsa, cheese, another apple or something, more dark chocolate!
Mid afternoon: cottage cheese and mandarin oranges, more nuts, maybe rice crackers and hummus, etc.
Dinner: some type of protein, steamed or sauteed veggies, brown rice or brown rice pasta, olive oil, salads, homemade soups when I have time to make a pot, etc.
Night snack: apple and peanut butter, maybe a bowl of oatmeal with berries and flax seed and protein powder, etc.

Here is an article in regards to this topic from one of our boot-campers that I thought I'd share. Take it from Oprah!

I hope this helps those that are struggling with their daily eating patterns! Remember that your cells are made from what you eat. If that's Diet Coke and Ritz crackers, then your body is trying to build muscle with Diet Coke and Ritz crackers. It's not possible!

To Your Health Y'all!

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