Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First Week of Food Logs

Well, I have to say that looking over these food logs was more difficult than anticipated! I am determined to rip you from the grips of the typical American fare. I see that some of you have become victims already. Save yourself!

NUTRITION is the absolute foundation of yourself. If you were to picture the Great Pyramids....nutrition would be the broadest and most expansive base to them on the absolute bottom, even broader than exercise itself. In the end, it doesn't matter how much you might be busting your ass while working out, you will hit a plateau where the results you fully want to achieve will be a struggle to reach.

Here is the hierarchy of what you should eat for optimal body composition and performance:
1. Lean meats
2. Vegetables
3. Nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocados, dark chocolate (the good stuff), olives, coconut oil, etc. (GOOD FATS)
4. Some fruit
5. Little starch
6. No refined sugar

That's it. In a nutshell. It's really not complicated. It means having those things available in your house. It means not spending your money on things that are wasteful from a nutritional standpoint. It means not eating the Mac and Cheese that your kids eat. The next step is to get kids to eat something other than Mac and Cheese. That's another issue. All it is, is habit.

Here are the common themes that I saw from the food logs, (most but not all):
1. Way too many carbs (poor and "so-called" healthy)...especially at breakfast
2. Too little protein
3. Too little good fats

Some food logs showed those trying to go too fat free. That's a recipe for disaster and weight gain. Ditch the artificial fat free crap, imitation this and low calorie that. It does the opposite of what it claims to do. Use real butter, olive oil, real eggs, etc. The other crap is just chemicals. Just read the back of any conventional low-fat salad dressing or whatever. Toss it.

Also, protein and good fats are the catalyst for quick muscle recovery and healthy joint function. They are vital to you.

Use the above "hierarchy of food" list as your top guide for every-day living. Do we all want a Starbucks mocha every now and then? Of course. Do you like your mom's special pumpkin bread? Yes. You get what I mean.

Keep learning, keep shifting habits one at a time, keep on keepin' on!

Next blog will be a quick teaching on why your body stores fat when eating certain carbs.....

To Your Health Y'all!

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