Saturday, January 10, 2009

She Could Kick All Our.....

One of our very own recruits wrote me an email several weeks ago explaining to me all the comments that her co-workers were saying to her about participating in The Athlete Lab Boot Camps.

"You shouldn't be doing that at your age."
"Your going to hurt yourself."
"It's not good for you."

Secretly, she thought that they were just jealous that she could kick all their asses. Quite frankly, it's great that she's going to be able to get herself off the toilet when she's 85 with good squat form. No offense to anyone, but it's the truth.

So, I thought I'd add a video to show you that you can do whatever you put your mind to. You can put whatever limitations you want on yourself or you can choose to KICK THINGS IN HIGH GEAR for life.

The video is a great review showing correct form....but there's also a 70 year old woman putting us in our place! WOOT WOOT!

Now, time to De-Sissify.


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