Saturday, February 14, 2009

Bloggin' on Food Loggin'

The post below this one will layout more information as it pertains to your food logs, but here are some thoughts on the food logs that I received this past week:

1. When making protein shakes, if you are adding berries and other fruit...just make sure that that is the main sugar source. No need to add extra juice. Use original (not sweetened) hemp milk, water and 1/2 C. coconut milk to liquify it. Not a fan of soy or milk.

2. There are some of you that actually UNDER-eat. You guys are starving your muscles! Your body needs enough food to keep the fire burning all day. Fire burning = METABOLISM

3. Your breakfast, again, should be extremely important to you! It is a "must" to begin your day correctly. Again, protein, fresh fruit, wraps, sauteed veggies in your eggs, sprouted english muffin with nut butter, etc....

Several of you have made AWESOME headway on the logs (more veggies, more good fats, protein intake). I see many changes and efforts that are geared in the right direction! Way to go!

Also, when you feel thirsty after eating crappy food or restaurant food...that means there's too much salt intake. (a couple of questions about that came up). Rehydrate with good ol' fashioned water.

Keep up the great work ya'all!

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